Copyright © 2014 PJ Business Consulting Ltd. Flamme Rouge Cash Flow Solutions is a trading name of PJ Business Consulting Ltd Registered in England 07844606

01284 711044

Strategic Bank Review

Get the most out of your bank and effectively manage your relationship with them

Through our unique offering, Flamme Rouge Cash Flow Solutions provide support to SME businesses to help them manage their cash flow effectively, and assist them in finding and implementing the most appropriate funding solution for their business.


Trade Finance

Business Support Service

Debtor Risk Management

Monitoring and Audit



Market Invitation Report

Strategic Bank Review

Systems & Paper Trail

Product Assessments

It is important for us to understand the business, its processes. and what the client is looking to achieve through our involvement so this forms the basis of the first meeting which is free of charge. From this meeting we will be able to establish how we can best assist the business and put forward a plan on how this will be achieved

Whether your need is cash flow specific or you require general business advice our range of services will support your business reach its goals. Click on the boxes above for more information or head over to our sister company for information on our other services.