Copyright © 2014 PJ Business Consulting Ltd. Flamme Rouge Cash Flow Solutions is a trading name of PJ Business Consulting Ltd Registered in England 07844606

01284 711044

Strategic Bank Review

Get the most out of your bank and effectively manage your relationship with them

Do you source products abroad or involved in exporting? With goods taking up to 6 weeks to arrive from China does this leave a big hole in your cashflow? There are various ways to fund this gap and you maybe utilising them already. These products are generally more complex, have a higher risk profile and are looked after by separate departments within a bank. We can help you explore the options of pre and post-sale finance, and ensure the proposal is joined up across the providers and that you end up with a solution that works.

We work closely with a couple of strategic partners who specialise in this field and where appropriate we may bring them in to help with additional services such as For-Ex and hedging, in order to find you the best overall solution, mitigate your risk and save you money.

Trade Finance

Business Support Service

Debtor Risk Management

Peer to Peer Funding


Market Invitation Report

Strategic Bank Review

Systems & Paper Trail

Product Assessments